2024-09-29 21:22:02 +02:00

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Spitfire Browser by Internet Addict (
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<h1>Spitfire Browser</h1>
<p>Fast. Secure. Elegant.</p>
<a href="/download" class="button">Download Now</a>
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<h2>Welcome to Spitfire Browser</h2>
<p>Spitfire Browser is your gateway to a fast, secure, and elegant browsing experience. Built on Firefox, Spitfire includes essential features like ad blocking, enhanced security, and anonymous browsing with Ocásek search engine.</p>
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<h2>Key Features</h2>
<ul class="features">
<span class="icon solid major style1 fa-shield-alt"></span>
<h3>Enhanced Security</h3>
<p>No adware, no crypto, no annoyances, no <a herf="">bullshit</a>.</p>
<span class="icon solid major style3 fa-ad"></span>
<h3>Ad Blocking</h3>
<p>Unlike <a herf="">Brave</a> includes working Ad-block and also blocks sponsored sections on YouTube.</p>
<span class="icon solid major style5 fa-adjust"></span>
<h3>Dark Reader</h3>
<p>Dark or Light mode on every website you visit.</p>
<span class="icon solid major style4 fa-code-branch"></span>
<h3>Free and Open source</h3>
<p>Open source ensures transparency and allows the community to contribute and enhance the browser.</p>
<span class="icon solid major style2 fa-sync"></span>
<h3>Fast Updates</h3>
<p>Automated updates to keep your browser up-to-date with the latest features and security patches.</p>
<span class="icon solid major style6 fa-search"></span>
<h3>Anonymous Search</h3>
<p><a herf="#search">Ocásek search engine</a> allows you to browse Google results anonymously.</p>
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<h2>Try Searching</h2>
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<h2>Security Features</h2>
<p>Spitfire Browser is designed with security as a top priority, but without sacrificing user comfort.</p>
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<strong>0</strong> Telemetry
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<strong>100%</strong> Privacy
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<strong>Auto</strong> Updates
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<strong>Based</strong>on Firefox
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<strong>Open</strong> Source
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<h2>Get Started with Spitfire</h2>
<p>Join the Spitfire community and experience the future of web browsing. Available soon for Windows, Linux, macOS, and ChromeOS.</p>
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<p class="copyright">&copy; Spitfire Browser. Design based on <a href="">HTML5 UP</a>.</p>
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